Cold lasers are a clinically proven, non-invasive body contouring technique to remove fat and reduce inches. There are no known negative side effects from cold laser treatments; however, practice members with certain medical conditions should not be treated with cold lasers as a precaution:
- Pregnant or breast-feeding
- Pacemaker
- Disease of the lymphatic system, kidney or liver
- Cancer (active or within 1 year of remission)
So we can tailor the program to your specific needs, notify your doctor and on the intake forms if you meet one of the following:
(These are not necessarily contraindications yet may guide us to modify your program for your unique needs.)
- Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 kg/m² or greater body weight in ‘obese’ category
- Diabetes dependent on insulin or oral hypoglycemic medications
- Cardiac surgeries such as cardiac bypass, heart transplant surgery, pacemakers
- Excessive alcohol consumption (more than 21 alcoholic drinks per week)
- Prior surgical intervention for body sculpting/weight loss, such as liposuction, abdominoplasty, stomach stapling, and lap band surgery. Results may vary due to fat cells having previously been removed
- Medical, physical, or other contraindications for body sculpting/weight loss
- Any medical condition and/or current use of medication(s) known to affect weight levels and/or to cause bloating or swelling for which abstinence during the course of participation is not safe or medically prudent
- Diagnosis of, and/or taking medication for irritable bowel syndrome
- Active infection, wound or other external trauma to the areas to be treated with the laser
- Mental health illness such as dementia or schizophrenia; psychiatric hospitalization in past two years.
- Developmental disability or cognitive impairment that would preclude adequate comprehension of the informed consent form and/or ability to record the necessary measurements
- Involvement in litigation and/or a worker’s compensation claim and/or receiving disability benefits related to weight-related and/or body shape issues
- Basal metabolic disorder (i.e. hypothyroid) which is unstable
If any of the above apply to you, the doctors at Optimized Wellness Center will provide customized care to regain your health.
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